Well Englanders (Summer's Heat) are at the local Lowes as of yesterday... Everything looks slightly up in price.
$1099 for the NC30, $699 for the NC13...
Last year I bought a Century FW300010 on clearance at the end of the year and really wish I had spend the extra Money on an Englander after looking at them last night. Much more solid stove, firebox is larger, I like the air control better, etc... Oh well. Maybe I'll pick one up at the end of the year.
Also got the chimney cleaned last night
Its been a little wet and hot to cut much wood lately. My winter stash is almost up to 4 cords from all standing dead or fallen trees from last winters ice storm. I found a nice tree last week, probably a 80 year old red oak (2x24" trunks)that had been dead for at least 5-10 years but still standing, tough cutting and splitting, but it is ready to burn! Picked up a nice standing dead white birch too.
$1099 for the NC30, $699 for the NC13...
Last year I bought a Century FW300010 on clearance at the end of the year and really wish I had spend the extra Money on an Englander after looking at them last night. Much more solid stove, firebox is larger, I like the air control better, etc... Oh well. Maybe I'll pick one up at the end of the year.
Also got the chimney cleaned last night