Hello everyone!
Yep, another newbie to contend with.
First off - thank you all for the great advice you have posted thus far to help us non-professionals figure things out. I have been here many times the last 2 years researching stoves (as well as to manufacturer sites) to narrow down the field for when I finally needed to get one. My head usually ends up hurting - but this forum has helped me get closer to making that final decision (as well as having GREAT advice on all things related to heating!).
So that my question can be answered as best as possible, let's start with my particulars and go from there. I built a small (not tiny) 1.5 story, 16 x 20 camp/cottage on posts with a 12-pitch roof, that is used about every other month or so for about a month at a time. It is still being worked on, but is livable (glorified camping you could say). Not yet plumbed, has a compost toilet, but wired to grid (eventually to switch to solar at some point). Electric heat has been fine up to now, but definitely need to get a woodstove installed now for my first real winter since power outages may happen when I'm there (not a problem when not since there is no piping to worry about yet). I'm guessing the place is somewhere between 450-600 sq ft, so I need a small stove. I insulated it well with Roxul, and plan to use haybales below this year to insulate more to help prevent frost heaves (which already required re-leveling once because I didn't do that last year).
Until this week, I thought I'd decided on the VC Aspen - but your reviews and the advice from the stove shop guy said NO WAY. Now, I'm looking at a Jotul or Morso, with Jotul edging forward. My question then is whether I really need the higher end stove or simply should buy one of the cheaper TSC or ACE models to suit my needs. I've looked at Vogelzangs and others at those stores and wasn't overly impressed. I like soapstones, but need a cast iron stove so I get quick heat and have a cooking surface to use when the power goes (currently no gas stove, just a hotplate and crockpot). If there are any other small woodburning stoves I haven't thought of, please let me know ASAP, since I will be ordering/purchasing one by early next week.
I guess you could say I pretty much want a reliable and well-built stove that won't cause many headaches (doesn't everyone?), since I have no skills to fix them with. I'm thinking the adage 'you get what you pay for' probably applies here? (Oh, and access to free wood is not a problem for me.)
Thanks again for all your help!
Yep, another newbie to contend with.

So that my question can be answered as best as possible, let's start with my particulars and go from there. I built a small (not tiny) 1.5 story, 16 x 20 camp/cottage on posts with a 12-pitch roof, that is used about every other month or so for about a month at a time. It is still being worked on, but is livable (glorified camping you could say). Not yet plumbed, has a compost toilet, but wired to grid (eventually to switch to solar at some point). Electric heat has been fine up to now, but definitely need to get a woodstove installed now for my first real winter since power outages may happen when I'm there (not a problem when not since there is no piping to worry about yet). I'm guessing the place is somewhere between 450-600 sq ft, so I need a small stove. I insulated it well with Roxul, and plan to use haybales below this year to insulate more to help prevent frost heaves (which already required re-leveling once because I didn't do that last year).
Until this week, I thought I'd decided on the VC Aspen - but your reviews and the advice from the stove shop guy said NO WAY. Now, I'm looking at a Jotul or Morso, with Jotul edging forward. My question then is whether I really need the higher end stove or simply should buy one of the cheaper TSC or ACE models to suit my needs. I've looked at Vogelzangs and others at those stores and wasn't overly impressed. I like soapstones, but need a cast iron stove so I get quick heat and have a cooking surface to use when the power goes (currently no gas stove, just a hotplate and crockpot). If there are any other small woodburning stoves I haven't thought of, please let me know ASAP, since I will be ordering/purchasing one by early next week.
I guess you could say I pretty much want a reliable and well-built stove that won't cause many headaches (doesn't everyone?), since I have no skills to fix them with. I'm thinking the adage 'you get what you pay for' probably applies here? (Oh, and access to free wood is not a problem for me.)
Thanks again for all your help!