Some people talk about burning wood to be green but drive a big old 1-2 ton truck to gather up the wood with 30 miles away, then fire up a big old splitter to split it.
THIS is being green. Also quite insane. Thanks for the pics of your set up... it's a lot easier to picture how you do it now lol. I bet you get some funny looks from cars driving by you
I like it though, and I know how ya feel about not having a truck. It's quite a pain.
futureboiler said:
lame. i hate people that steal firewood of all things. my neighbor at my montain house was taking wood from me. long story, but he didnt know i knew, he thought i would just think it was the people who "rented" my house, using the fireplace. unknown to him was i never "renting". i lent to friends and told them where to take wood from.....and where not to. the pile they were told not to touch kept going down in size....hmmmm. Whenever i was splitting wood, i always kept saying to myself, one for me, one for him.......its a good thing he didnt know what seasoned wood is, so at least he wasnt taking the seasoned stuff. the worst part of the deal is, i would lend him anything in my arsonal....chain saw, wheel barrow, rake, ladder, etc.....and he would tell me how well he looked after my house while i wasnt there. he probably used my wheel barrow to cart my wood over to his house.
I would've mixed in some split railroad ties. or maybe buy a couple Pressure treated 6x6s and split them up... expensive though.
railroad ties are free, so i would've done that probably.
Or maybe sprinkled some sugar or syrup and other crap ALL over the pile.... so it's infested with ants and other things for him to drag in to his house.
How did it end?