Being the Cheapster, I hand split.
Actually it's cuz I'm broke most of the time, and this is one of those times.
The Tractor 22 is going to be my choice this spring by what I've read on this forum.
The trees directly background in the avatar pic now have 2 cords stacked between
them each about 5 ft high by 20 inch lengths.
That was three days and about 45 ibuprofen ago. I have NEVER split before this.
New potbelly (United States Stove Company #2421) is in place but not hooked up
yet. Plain and simple I wanna go to Heaven but between now and then we need
to stay warm.
Gotta killer job/ changed careers at 48, but I'm not at top dollars yet and to boot
us new guys get laid off. Money or not, paying 500 bux a month to be warm is just
evidence of brain damage. Time for a woodstove and some new online friends.
(I go to, and moderate at a KLR forum)
Ignoring company sponsored sites, I've done Dodge, KLR, and now Hearth forums
for a reason. Real world people with real world experience. Generally great comaradarie.
Most don't push personal agendas, nor sell me a product.
Enuff blabber. I like these sites and tend to learn a library of stuff over time, and as
experience builds start helping newbies. Being the newbie today and never cooked a
woodstove, I have much learning to do. Learning a decent splitter at a decent price just
became a priority. LOL
Gotta make a lean-to over the wood working and storage areas. Putting in non-burnable
walls n' spacers for closer clearance, getting a hole punched in the roof, piping, insulated
pipe section, dry wood, wet wood, green wood, what species of wood, curing time from
green to good, mauls, axe, chainsaw, BOOM. My brain just exploded. Luckily it's only a head injury........
Spending 2,000 now to save 3,000 a year,