LLigetfa said:Here is a picture of one on ebay.
(broken link removed to http://www.ebay.com/itm/LOG-SPLITTER-CRADLE-TABLE-ULTIMATE-BACK-SAVER-/270862053376?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f10a2f000)
The thing I don't like about this type of table is that it is much lower than the beam so you always have to reach way over to pick up the other half of the split. Not good for the back. Following my scrounger's principles of spending as little money on wood as possible, I place two sawhorses on the other side of the beam, lay a small, very sturdy pallet on top of them so that the pallet is flush with the beam. I load several rounds onto the table. Now I can pull a round off the table split it. Lay half of the split back on the table while I split the first half further, grab the other half of the split and split it again, etc, etc, etc.
Works great, no cost, ergonomically pleasing and I never have to worry about shearing bolts off when I drop a big split on it.