hookspacken said:
I had just loaded up the stove. activated the catalyst, turned the air down till almost closed and started to watch TV. I always check the flame every once in a while (drive my wife nuts, I am always fiddling with the air) well, when I looked after about 15 minutes or so, there was no flame, but it looked like there was a light on in the stove. The cat was glowing orange with no flames in the firebox. I watched this for a while and the cat temps continued to rise, 1300, 1400, 1450, 1500..then I got nervous and diengaged the cat and immediate flames eurupted.
It was definatley different, I had never seen anthing like that. You could watch the smoke drafting up to the cat, a very small flame running around the cat air supply ringjust under the catalyst. Anyone ever experienced anything like this before? It was kind of cool to watch.
Hello all. I'm a wood burning newbie but have absorbed lots of information from the forum and hearth.com in general. Thanks for all your help!
Regarding hookspaken's orignal post, I've had that
exact thing occur to me before. I was burning nice and low with the dark, translucent bluish purplish flames rolling about. There was no real flame coming off the wood; the flames were at the top of the firebox away from the wood. Combustor temp was at about 1100 or so. Then the fire went out and almost immediately the thermometer rose and the combuster started to glow
brightly. I can't remember what it went to, but it didn't reach the "too hot" portion of the combustor thermometer. It was a little alarming, but it didn't stay there very long. Maybe about 10 minutes.
Obviously the catalytic combuster was being fueled by the extra smoke from the smoldering wood. But I'm beginning to wonder about the wisdom of using the combustor as a main source of heat with a really low (or smoldering) fire and whether or not it's overly hard on the combuster. Another question is whether it does this routinely overnight when we're sleeping. It sure helps on fuel economy though and the burn was still smoke free.
An opinion from a dealer which supports this method of burning in a catalytic stove can be read (broken link removed to http://www.customfireplacesandmore.com/hearth-articles/catalytic-non-catalytic.html).
Any opinions from seasoned (pun intended) cat stove operators?