The way it was explained to me is that the redwoods have no resins to burn and that is why a fire goes out quickly in them. Amazing even that after a fire it does not seem to harm them; they just keep on growing.
wxman, these pictures were taken in Redwoods National Park near the little town of Orick. We had stayed at Arcata, drove up there one day and back to Arcata. Another thing we saw were some terrific elk. These are Roosevelt elk which are a little smaller than the Rocky Mountain elk, but the bulls we saw had some very nice racks! Here is one picture.
wxman, these pictures were taken in Redwoods National Park near the little town of Orick. We had stayed at Arcata, drove up there one day and back to Arcata. Another thing we saw were some terrific elk. These are Roosevelt elk which are a little smaller than the Rocky Mountain elk, but the bulls we saw had some very nice racks! Here is one picture.