OK, did some photographs, took some temps and did alot of thinking last night. Since the board software here seems to reorganize pics in alphabetical order, I'll jsut amke several posts so I know the descriptions go with each pic.
Pics attached of the South side showing icicles, these icicles between both light fixtures were non existent Wed about dinner time, so when the photo was taken they had about 30 hours to grow to this size...the others were not knocked off earlier so they're several days growth, mabye a week. The discolored icicles are in direct line with the chimney. The entire south side of the house is ike this...some spots like below the MBR skylights have longer icicles (like that huge group to the far right is directly under the skylight above my wife's side of the bed).
Pics attached of the South side showing icicles, these icicles between both light fixtures were non existent Wed about dinner time, so when the photo was taken they had about 30 hours to grow to this size...the others were not knocked off earlier so they're several days growth, mabye a week. The discolored icicles are in direct line with the chimney. The entire south side of the house is ike this...some spots like below the MBR skylights have longer icicles (like that huge group to the far right is directly under the skylight above my wife's side of the bed).