Just a quick question....
So the combustion intake hole in the base of the stove draws air in and under the base? I guess by example, if I completely blocked the the hole in your pic then no air would be drawn thru the air intake into the firepot combustion chamber? Wish I could see the underside of the base then I could figure it out....well I could be not gonna.... too much work ;-).
Well it helps to take a closer look now doesn't it? ....I understand now....never mind.....Survey sez YES! DOH!
I am getting what I think is good draw from the intake hole....held a lit candle over it and at about maybe 1 1/2 inches from the hole
the flame went out... as mentioned before I'll remove last years pellets from the hopper and try again...
....and so it goes...
Just a quick question....
So the combustion intake hole in the base of the stove draws air in and under the base? I guess by example, if I completely blocked the the hole in your pic then no air would be drawn thru the air intake into the firepot combustion chamber? Wish I could see the underside of the base then I could figure it out....well I could be not gonna.... too much work ;-).
Well it helps to take a closer look now doesn't it? ....I understand now....never mind.....Survey sez YES! DOH!
I am getting what I think is good draw from the intake hole....held a lit candle over it and at about maybe 1 1/2 inches from the hole
the flame went out... as mentioned before I'll remove last years pellets from the hopper and try again...
....and so it goes...