Looking for some help from fellow OWB owners. I have a Central Boiler 6048 feeding a 50gal electric hot water heater and then heating approx 3,000sf home. I run the OWB at 185-190° and for 18 years, never had a problem with my side arm heat exchanger. I fire up the OWB in October and run is non-stop until May. For 18 years, I have never used the electric hot water heater when the OWB was firing.....I actually throw the breaker at the main just to make sure it isn't pulling any electricity. Well.....about this same time last year with little warning we were surprised with a cold shower one day. I drained the hot water heater and had very little mineral build up flush out but I flushed out what I could and it still didn't help. Of course I thought I lost my thermal siphon so I opened my bleed valve and let some water flush out. Still didn't fix the problem. Called the plumber who originally installed the set up when we built the house, only to find he was semi-retired and really not too excited to come out and work on it. We flipped the breaker on so we could get some hot water from the electric water heater....waited a few days for another plumber and to our surprise, we suddenly got a scalding hot shower (we don't run a mixing valve...maybe not the safest but our youngest is 13 and we all know to be careful)......so what must have been an air lock, worked itself away and we were happy, flipped the breaker again to off, and enjoyed "free hot water" until May. This past October we fire up the stove, everything is great, "free hot water" all fall and all winter.....until 2 days ago! I repeat the steps as I did this same time last year, flush out very minimal mineral deposit flakes, bleed the valve, and then hope for the best. Hasn't helped.
![[Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years) [Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years)](https://www.hearth.com/talk/data/attachments/292/292641-3ab7a5cf97e0007f86521df5902bc7f8.jpg?hash=bqVrya-Y1K)
- Do you think it is a thermal siphon issue with an airlock?
- I know at least the outer jacket of the side arm is working because it is almost too hot to touch. After 19 years is the inner tub maybe plugged?
- If I try to force water with the garden hose to push out the air lock, I assume I run it into that valve on the "bottom right" of the lower unit picture, keep the bleeder valve closed, but do I need to have other valves or hot water faucets open to let that "hose water" flow through and go somewhere?
![[Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years) [Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years)](https://www.hearth.com/talk/data/attachments/292/292640-a3f19585f4eedff1788e80de993338e1.jpg?hash=B-59OGtVhr)
![[Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years) [Hearth.com] Side Arm Heat Exchanger Help Please (Set up has worked for 19 Years)](https://www.hearth.com/talk/data/attachments/292/292641-3ab7a5cf97e0007f86521df5902bc7f8.jpg?hash=bqVrya-Y1K)