Thanks for the pics. This decision has been tough but I think I'm going to block wall off the back 10ft of the pole barn. This will be the 3rd time in 8yrs I've had to cut a hole in my barn roof thanks to 2 yrs of hail storms. That is what really had me thinking container or separate shed like I should have done from the start. The container solution is going to cost a lot more than I thought by the time I get it in place, plumbed, insulated, walk in door, etc. Wife wouldn't like the look and we know how that goes. I will still have a 30x50 work area in the barn and a 10x30 boiler room. The 500 gal tanks can just go side by side horizontal making an easy hookup. Boiler and everything already set up here I would just need to connect the tanks. A framed wall (non load bearing) would be something easy for me to build but concrete block is probably required and actually cheaper material wise.