Chargerman said:
I have all the wood I can handle from our own property. At this point I have not had to drop a single tree and don't really think I will ever need to. It works out well cleaning up the woods and getting free heat at the same time. My FIL just had over 200 trees on their property logged so plenty of scraps there as well.
That ain't scrounging-that's harvesting! :lol: When I think of scrounging I think of those of us in the Northeast who either live mostly in the suburbs or on the edge of them. I have a 1/3 acre lot so no personal woodlot for me. Although just before we moved in the previous owner took down five HUGE maples (I had to take out the stumps) on the advice of the realtor to brighten up the backyard. I shudder to think how many cords were carted away after that... Anyway, to me scrounging is just that-working with what you can find. In my four years of burning wood I've never taken down a tree myself. I've cut a few up that were already down, but by and large I bust my hump trying to find, load, and cart away wood that's already been cut up either by a tree service doing some trimming, power line ROW cutting, storm damage, or a land clearing operation. I also grab pallets when and where I can. I don't begrudge you guys with big woodlots to cut on (in fact I envy you), but I want to hear more from the folks like me who scan Craigslist obsessively, find a score, and then invent an "errand," or "get lunch out" in order to leave work, toss some rounds in the truck, and get back before the boss starts asking questions

Or who, at a family gathering, hear someone talking about "having a tree taken down" and shooting across the room to ask when, where, and what type of tree it is.