I see them now.....not far from my house is a stand of tulip poplars that survived the civil war. They are quite large and very beautiful.
So, being a stay at home mom with River doesn't offer me a lot of time to do projects. But during every nap this week I was able to puke this thing up.
Should hold about 2 cords when filled to the roof. And the whole operation...
Yep, he may not have popped out of me but we are certainly related!!
Ha! Taken.....on the other team no less.Will you marry me?
So, being a stay at home mom with River doesn't offer me a lot of time to do projects. But during every nap this week I was able to puke this thing up.
Should hold about 2 cords when filled to the roof. And the whole operation...
You have a very outspoken little one in the avatar ... wonder if anyone has really taken a close look Good luck on the scrounge and glad to hear about the steel toes!
Yep, he may not have popped out of me but we are certainly related!!