Scrounge - Free Firewood -- Sweet deal

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Feb 6, 2009
Mike's World
The art of the Free Firewood Scrounge - is a difficult task. I got lucky yesturyday with the help of facebook and a neighbor getting a new pool.
  • 2 miles from home
  • Tree dropped and rounds cut
  • Able to drive truck close to wood
  • Species of tree's Black Birch & White Oak.
  • Amount of wood Apx 3 cords available - take as much or little as you want
  • Size ( this is an important one, don't over look ) 1foot to 2 foot diameter rounds
I loaded up my Toyota Tacoma there times with the Black Birch. To my suprize the bark was already popped of some of the rounds. See one of the pictures. As some of you may know I really like Black Birch and Black Locust so I was happy when I saw what was available.

I saw the post on community facebook Monday evening and learned about the sites location and access. Showed up first thing Tuesday morning prepared with my ramp and saw. A couple of hours later I had a sweet pile of mostly bark-less rounds staked at home. I ended up popping the bark off the rounds , it was very easy to remove by peeling it off. The sweet smell if the Black Birch inspired me to get the last bottle of cream soda out.

I am no artist, but I am finally staring the get this Scrounge thing working. :cool:

Good Luck to you folks with yours
. [] Scrounge - Free Firewood -- Sweet deal[] Scrounge - Free Firewood -- Sweet deal[] Scrounge - Free Firewood -- Sweet deal
Hard to beat debarked wood. I expect you do not generate much ash? Those are some generous size rounds.

There is company in New England that advertises to logging contractors and foresters to sell the bark off mature whites birches that are scheduled to be cut. They come out prior to the cut and peel the bark off the trees prior to logger cutting the trees. They resell the bark for crafts and architectural design. I don't think the remove the inner bark like your black birch.
Hard to beat debarked wood

99% of my wood is de-barked at some point. It helps keep the house clean & I think is seasons faster too. This black birch popped off very easy. As for ash -- all the wood I burn is easily under 20 % moisture 15 % is the norm. Yes, these rounds are on the big side too . My preferred length is 18" some I think are 21 " long. The ramp I have really helped to roll them up. I have a super-split which will positioned so the rounds can be rolled on to it easily. ( note the concrete blocks in the picture )

Interesting what that company is doing with the white birch. Good to see someone innovative like this.
That has to be one of the all time best ever scrounges, lucky dog.
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Gott im Himmel! What a score!!
I never heard of Black Birch. Must be some Yankee wood. I do know the Indians made canoes from birch bark.
But I looked it up. Good God it is better than white oak. That is an unbelievable score. I got guys down here in North Carolina wanting me to drive 20 miles to pick up a load of rotten stumps!

Go buy a lottery ticket this is your lucky day.
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Gott im Himmel!

Learned something new today Gott im Himmel! ( German ) = God in heaven

Us Yankees are lucky up here in NE lots of BTU's in the woods.