I recently purchased a PelPro PP130 pellet stove which I need to be able to run from a backup generator. I’ve reviewed a fair amount of info online regarding people running their stoves from small generators and didn’t expect it would be a problem. I bought a Honda EU1000i inverter generator and plugged it into my stove and found the stoves controls indicators seem to function as normal, the igniter works fine and lights the pot, but the exhaust blower barely turns and the auger never comes on. When I plug the stove into the house it works fine. The stove is pulling 315 watts during startup and 127 watts during normal operation. The generator outputs 900 watts and has plenty of juice to run the stove, not to mention I’ve run my entire house HVAC off the same generator with no issues, but with only the PelPro plugged into the generator on both eco and full modes the exhaust blower barely functions. I contacted PelPro customer support and explained the situation, I told them it’s the only thing running off the generator; they came back with telling me they don’t test their products to see if they will run from generators and I needed to make sure I’m not running multiple appliances and that my generator probably doesn’t have enough power – zero effort and no interest in helping me, I pushed back asking for some technical resources but they were not willing to help. Has anyone ever experienced an issue like this? Ive seen several people powering their stoves from generators and I’m wondering If there is just something about PelPro stoves, or the control board that doesn’t like the generator frequency? Perhaps I need a different generator or some type of signal conditioner? It seems strange to me that they would manufacture a stove that’s not capable of being powered from a generator and what the issue could be?