A wise old timer that used to sell VCs told me one time that running a Oak with an adjustable damper was a cure for the everburn runaways.
As I'm still in the process of getting my OAK set up I'm seriously thinking of something like this - a damper in the line. I got the skinny on the aluminum foil trick here recently, but I have no idea if / how I could even access secondary air ports on my pedestal stove. So far the only overfire situation I've been close to was from wide open primary air, apparently (too much?) really dry kindling, and not paying enough attention. But it would probably be nice to know I could kill all air completely if I had to. Maybe even a cover over the outside OAK intake - I could get to this in about 15 seconds.
Im suprised that with EPA stoves theres not a lever to shut down the air completely
That would be great. Does any EPA stove have something like this?