I am new to the site; done a significant amount of reading and searching to understand pellet stoves; technologies, features, fueling, and maintaining have advanced over the years. There are so many different brands it is hard to tell which are the real quality brands; which provide best value for whatever circumstance; et al. Other than downloading the current specifications and building a spread sheet to compare, has something like that been done?
I have read how folks like what they bought. That's worth something.
I see brands like England Stove Works but no comparison of their three brands for example. I have read about Pacific Energy, Blaze King, Woodstock, Piazzette, Harman, Enviro, Quadra-Fire multiple brands. All good stuff. I have learned that some manufactures cater to unique dealers and one seems to cater to Home Depot and Loews.
Is there a source that identifies or characterizes these manufactures in terms of quality, cost, efficiency (thermal) , ease of use as well as has been done for pellet fuel source? Below I have identified the ones I found today
I am about to visit about 5 different dealers that sell competitive manufacturers products/brands and am developing my questions. (As an example, at the other end of the spectrum I am looking for chest freezers. Tons of reviews for best 5, best 10,etc. but the pros and cons were anything but technical! None addressed energy use, insulation factors, comparable operating costs like kwh/period of time like year or month).
This forum has been wonderful, as one can glean issues with various brands or installations.
In any case thanx in advance
here is what I have read
(broken link removed)
I have read how folks like what they bought. That's worth something.
I see brands like England Stove Works but no comparison of their three brands for example. I have read about Pacific Energy, Blaze King, Woodstock, Piazzette, Harman, Enviro, Quadra-Fire multiple brands. All good stuff. I have learned that some manufactures cater to unique dealers and one seems to cater to Home Depot and Loews.
Is there a source that identifies or characterizes these manufactures in terms of quality, cost, efficiency (thermal) , ease of use as well as has been done for pellet fuel source? Below I have identified the ones I found today
I am about to visit about 5 different dealers that sell competitive manufacturers products/brands and am developing my questions. (As an example, at the other end of the spectrum I am looking for chest freezers. Tons of reviews for best 5, best 10,etc. but the pros and cons were anything but technical! None addressed energy use, insulation factors, comparable operating costs like kwh/period of time like year or month).
This forum has been wonderful, as one can glean issues with various brands or installations.
In any case thanx in advance
here is what I have read

Best Pellet Stove Reviews (Buying Guide 2021) - Heater Mag
Read our pellet stove reviews to find out which are the best-selling models in 2021. Find the best pellet stove for your home. Comparison and guide.

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