So some guy on Craigslist is offering up 16 black walnut trees, about 50 years old each, to whomever has insurance and will cut them down. I said some logger should pay you money for the trees. He said a lumberyard told him that unless he has 50 trees they aren't interested. So I am wondering why my whole life everyone in my family (and neighbors) tell us how valuable our black walnut trees are, but a guy can't hardly give them away. He is in a suburb NW of Milwaukee for a geographical location. I suggested he find an actual logger/lumberjack instead of talking to a lumberyard, but anyway, is there any advice I can give this guy? I find it hard to believe that 16 50 year old black walnuts are not worth some $$ to somebody. He is just asking for anyone with insurance who knows what they are doing to take them away free.