I am presently splitting some maple rounds that are 16-20 inches in depth and have a diameter of 2 x 3 feet. The maple is good solid wood. There seem to be two possible approaches. The first is to whack away at the outside and slowly move to the inside with the Fiskars Super Splitter. Sometimes when I get to the middle the wood is too dense to use the Fiskars, so I split it in half with a maul and wedges before resuming with the Fiskars. An alternative would be to try to split the round in half with the maul and wedges and then use the Fiskars. Of course, there are some gnarly ones that can only be split to usable size with maul and wedges. The Fiskars is no good for these ugly ones. Luckily, there don't seem to be too many. Any advice? Are there alternative methods?