Well.... I got home awhile ago. I spent a little over 3 hrs at this couples home.. They have a very nice home, hearth, dogs, friends, and family....
Now on to the stove. Upon arriving, I thought the combustion blower was going to be fried (Based on phone and PM) I stuck my hand into the right side ash trap (Exhaust path) and felt a lot of ash.. They had a chimney sweep out last week and he said it did not need it. He did not charge them. But also did not do anything.
The stove was "Dirty". They were unaware of a problem because they didn't know any better and they had someone say it was clean (How could they be at fault?)..
The leafblower came out
! Ran my lint-eater up and down there 4" liner and then blew it out.. I cleaned the inside of the stove, (8 Small Burn pot holes at bottom) and then removed the combustion blower (Brought a gasket with me) and cleaned the fins and lubed the bearings (As good as possible). Cleaned the convection blower as well as I could with my brushes and a vacuum, without removing it. Blew the vacuum hose out and did a couple other small various checks.
Then was the moment of truth. They had bought a Good surge protector. So after plugging the stove in........
The combustion blower started turning after plugged in. After turning the stove on (Call for heat) it took 3 "Resets" to Prime the auger and then they quickly had fire.
It was nice to sit and conversate with them. Always nice to meet new members and being able to help one out, was even better.
I believe they were happy with the work. they now do not need a Tech to come look at there stove (Our dealer sub contracts, and getting ready to go out of business or sell)
They live very close and we are in the same age group/generation.
Probably missing something... But all is well with there stove and they are now wiser in the ways of cleaning. Would not hesitate to help them again. Very nice couple and seemed like I knew them for years. Even left a few bags of pellets for them to try (Somersets, Green Supremes, AWF's, Easy Heats). They had Michigan Wood Pellets and Green Label Ligs. Told them of the places I knew that had good pellets for cheap.
Was a good day. All in all, I think they are happy and I was happy to help.