Yes, the thermo has sensed the fire, but it can still be bad, or not touching the inside end of the cover, which will make it not read correctly. It is worth looking at and making sure the end is good, and touching the inside end of the cover. The wires coating can get bad or cracked, and make the thermo act like this. It can also be a bad control box. Can you see if auger is reversing when this happens? Could be a bad capacitor. You could have bad connections on wire harness to auger motor, or snap disc #2 could have bad connections, or going bad. Try bypassing snap disc #2 by jumping wires together and making sure they can't ground out on anything. If the stove stops acting up, this may be the issue. You moving the snap disc has nothing to do with any of this.kap
I was only asking to learn. I'm not having any issues at all with my stove. I was not understanding the sequence and the temps needed to get the stove and blowers running.
One other thing is my stove doesn't have any screw holding the left panel on. Must be a later update or he has a AE stove which I asked about but never got a answer to.