all gaskets replaced on Sunday. I remember reading a post about that vacuum.I cleared the line when I was cleaning it..the canister must have been stuck since it was sitting for 4 years. My need a new one..I'll keep testing it before the instal. yo you're a big help if I ever run into you I'll buy you a beer or send you a Christmas card
that is not a jerry rig fuse holder I figure it out it is a communication port to change the program.
that is not a jerry rig fuse holder I figure it out it is a communication port to change the program.
Your jerry rigged fuse holder must be working or you wouldn't have power to your combustion fan or control board - so that's a good trouble shooting step to have behind you. Make sure the tube from the vacuum switch to the auger tube isn't plugged up with sawdust or cracked, usually nearer to the nipple at one end of it or the other, as that can disable the auger. I assume you put your new tadpole door seal in? Is the firepot gasket in OK shape? Any significant air leaks through the door or the pot gasket can frig up your vacuum as well and won't let the auger turn.
X2 on checking your #2 snap disc as well.