tsmith said:
I read in the manual that if you have trouble with pellet clinkers sticking to the pot sides to switch to utility pellet setting. I did that yesterday and it seems to have stopped my problem. It cleans sooner and is not allowing a clinker to form. i am also getting a nice flame and heat from it.
The only problem with using the utility pellet setting is the frequent start, stop and more use of the igniter.
Have you tried the sunflower setting yet?
Softwood will give the longest burn time before auto clean, around 3.2 hours in the highest setting. Next would be sunflower seeds and corn at around 2.4 hours then hardwood at around 2.1 hours. After that wheat runs around 1.8 and utility pellet runs around 1.2 hours. All these run times are in the manual 5 setting and will be longer in the lower settings and on auto.
I have been running mine in sunflower seeds and high elevation and just recently have been trying the auto setting with a 2 degree room temp differential. So far is has been holding the temp swings in the house a little better running it this way. Before that I was using the manual 2,3 or 4 depending on outside temps and a 1.5 degree room temp differential. Running it in high elevation has allowed me to get my flame height settings closer to the 0 setting, before this I was always at -5 to keep the flame height down. I will have to see if the auto setting will keep the house warm in the real cold weather, time will tell.