Pulling Quotes into Replies

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perplexed said:
Okay- Here I go again . If I do not get this after it has been spelled out so clearly for me I officially give up. Just too much for my brain to get! :P [[ guote ]Success is measured in small steps. [/guote]

When the spaces are removed, this will be rendered as

[guote]Success is measured in small steps.[/guote]

What "spaces" are you referring to when you say "When the spaces are removed, this will be rendered as"?

I'm quoting your entire post and changing the "q" in any quote brackets on the quotations you created to a "g" so you can see what it looked like before you hit "submit".

You'll see that you have an extra "[" in one spot and an inserted "space" in front of the "]" in another (although I don't know that the extra space actually hurts anything). This is probably because you were creating them from scratch so formatting errors are easy to make but it isn't hard to get it wrong when editing an existing quote.

If you clean it up a little it looks like this (with the "g" in the quotes turned back into "q")

Success is measured in small steps.

When the spaces are removed, this will be rendered as

Success is measured in small steps.

Hope this helps.

ETA, I think I figured out what you meant by the spaces you deleted. It looks like those particular spaces aren't critical because once you correct the extra "]" in the first version it then looks pretty much like the second one.
Perplexed, type it exactly as follows:

[quote]Success is measured in small steps.[/quote]

If you are successful, it will appear as

Success is measured in small steps.

There must be no spaces between the left and right brackets and the "quote" and "/quote" tags. I'm sorry if that was confusing.
therm said:
Success is measured in small steps.

if you are successful, it will appear as

Success is measured in small steps.

Therm- Okay, I got this much and I have printed out all of the instructions so that my husband can read them and then SHOW me how this is done. I realize once again that I am not a visual learner.

I am calling it quits before my brain explodes. :ahhh:

P.S. Thanks also for explaining how I can do my practice sessions in private. There is a threshold to my capacity to display acts of incompetence in public places. I have reached that threshold. %-P

I read your instructions after I had added more of my tries. I swear I didn't see them before I tried. :roll:

I have printed them up and will illicit the help of my husband when he has time to help me with this.

I get snippets and then a whole new quandry presents itself...

Like in my response to Therm. I don't know why my whole response ended up in quote mode/color. The little box is where I had done the "quote" thing...

I never imagined this was soooooo difficult to do.

Think I was better off in my ignorance and just letting the 'quote' button quote someone's entire reply. Feel as though I have opened a Pandora's box here.... :coolcheese:
perplexed said:
... Think I was better off in my ignorance and just letting the 'quote' button quote someone's entire reply. Feel as though I have opened a Pandora's box here.... :coolcheese:

Please don't feel bad. You are not the first and certainly will not be the last to deal with this. Most people muddle their way through it without asking for help, which is fine but it does make for some messy reading.

I find it very hard to follow --much less quote-- posts suffering from what I call the "onion" effect. So I avoided multi-quoting for the longest time until I figured out I can copy/paste single quotes into MS Word and then copy/paste the whole thing back into one reply. However, it is time consuming.

You'll find something that works for you.
Cath said:
You'll find something that works for you.

Somehow my brain finally untangled itself and worked on this thing while I was asleep. Woke up today and I could do this. :-)

Again, thanks for your help.
therm said:
When composing a post, you can also use the Preview Post button to test out how your post will look.

Thanks for this tid bit. It let me see what I had done that didn't work so I could un-do it and try, try again. I am tickled with the results. ;-)

On to bigger and greater things.
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