I have had the cat issues all along also, the first 2 warped but the 3rd was the new 3 support leg one. I got tired of re shaping the screen all the time so I left it sag for about 3 weeks and kept 24-7 burning during the cold spell. I noticed each week when reloading the cat light off and surface temp climb kept getting slower. When the weather broke I pulled the cat and it looked almost as bad as the one in the above pic, plus there was alot of fly ash down in the stove behind the cat that was never there before when I kept the screen bent tight to the top.
I Have a very strong draft and my wood will burn really well with the air shut tight (very light flaming)
So for me the screen is very important with a strong draft to keep the cat alot cleaner, longer.
I've also learned not to open the air up all the way on reloads or burning down coals faster, I have watched it suck the ash into the screen or the gap at faster pace trying to hurry things.
The new cat seems to be holding up great, the screen is my biggest complaint.
Woodstock knows about this screen deal importance and they emailed me yesterday and said they sent a new improved one to try something about bigger support washers i think. I should get it soon and I'll post a pic.
Even with some issues the stove is still and amazing performer, and the flue is still pretty darn clean.
This is a little off post track but goes to show what a outstanding company Woodstoock is !
They(Penny) asked me what do I think of the PH (aside the issues, I think I have had most of them)
I told them it is still an amazing piece of art that keeps my basement to hot while heating the upstairs, I also told them I should have went ahead and gave up the space upstairs and done a new install with a fire view.
* Her Reply * You are still under your 6 months Todd If you want to send the PH back and get a Fire View you will be fully credited and they are on sale and you will also qualify for a repeat customer discount and we will pick up the return shipping... I'm still amazed... and I'm thinking about possibly 2 of them. Heat control upstairs and the basement would be sweet. The PH has almost paid for it self this year in oil savings, I'm really thinking on this one.
The other half is getting less fearful with her new long stove gloves too.
What a Company,
I Have a very strong draft and my wood will burn really well with the air shut tight (very light flaming)
So for me the screen is very important with a strong draft to keep the cat alot cleaner, longer.
I've also learned not to open the air up all the way on reloads or burning down coals faster, I have watched it suck the ash into the screen or the gap at faster pace trying to hurry things.
The new cat seems to be holding up great, the screen is my biggest complaint.
Woodstock knows about this screen deal importance and they emailed me yesterday and said they sent a new improved one to try something about bigger support washers i think. I should get it soon and I'll post a pic.
Even with some issues the stove is still and amazing performer, and the flue is still pretty darn clean.
This is a little off post track but goes to show what a outstanding company Woodstoock is !
They(Penny) asked me what do I think of the PH (aside the issues, I think I have had most of them)
I told them it is still an amazing piece of art that keeps my basement to hot while heating the upstairs, I also told them I should have went ahead and gave up the space upstairs and done a new install with a fire view.
* Her Reply * You are still under your 6 months Todd If you want to send the PH back and get a Fire View you will be fully credited and they are on sale and you will also qualify for a repeat customer discount and we will pick up the return shipping... I'm still amazed... and I'm thinking about possibly 2 of them. Heat control upstairs and the basement would be sweet. The PH has almost paid for it self this year in oil savings, I'm really thinking on this one.
The other half is getting less fearful with her new long stove gloves too.

What a Company,