When I remove the auger, I take out the 2 or 4 screws that hold the feed motor. The old motors had Alan head screws and the new motors have Phillip head screws, then I remove the 2 nuts that hold the bracket on the auger tube and pull the motor & spring auger out in one piece after pulling off the right side bracket that holds the hi limit switch. There is not a lot of room and you may have to twist it back and forth so the spring auger does not get stuck. Also you have to bail out all the pellets first which is a PITA because the easiest way is to take the top of the stove off by removing approx 10 screws that hold it on!
Then when you have the whole auger and motor assembly out of the stove after unplugging the molex connector to the motor, you can loosen the 2 Alan head collar set screws to pull the motor off the spring auger. I always wire wheel the spring auger clean and the spray it with dry moly to keep the pellets sticking.
I had part of a pellet bag stuck in my Auger so had to pull it out to get the bag out! See pic
Is that what you did?