keyman512us said:MO? To "Trully answer your question": Stamping "Raillroad standard", the fact the 12 o'clock, is under the winder, and on and on...were you hinting to the fact the glass has to be removed to access the set lever (can't inadvertantly change the time)?
Yep. To me, opening the watch to reset the time was something I'd never seen on other watches and IMO this is a unique feature.
I liked those articles. Defining "a RR watch" gets pretty complicated, but aside from accuracy, jewels, made in America, and the other thing, all of which could probably be said of other time pieces, the "lever set" seems the most unusual to me as a life long watch owner.
Did you ever "talk shop" with them(your grandfathers')???...Forget the questions above...thats the ops side of the house...track work? Here's a good one...what is the "definition" of "wide gauge"?
Never talked much shop. Too bad. My family has a storied past and I think it was sometimes easier just to keep things in the present than to risk navigating the more interesting waters of our past that might inadvertently lead to "difficult topics". I was also mostly separated from that side of my family for the greater part of my life, so conversations were few and far between. I reconnected with an uncle about 7 yrs back and I try to get him talking about the RR's on occasion. I like the RR term "milk run", that stopped at most depots to deliver milk (or mail I suppose), as opposed to the "express run" that didn't.

Wide guage? I always thought of the wide guage as wider than the narrow guage. I believe the RR standardized on the wide guage (or one of them) when interest grew to interconnect lines. Only narrow mountain lines retained narrow guage tracks, and that was out of necessity as there was no room for a wider bed. The guage being some sort of bar of certified width that fit between the tracks.
Along with the watch? Do you have one of the "library cards" issued by the RR he worked for? (The 'pocket certificate' if required???)
Never heard of that, and many other RR things. BTW, both grandfathers worked for the Kansas City Southern IIRC. If I got that wrong, then it is probably the Missouri Pacific, but I think it was the Kansas City Southern.
Were you looking for the answer "leverset" so it can't be accidentally changed?
Yes. That's what I was looking for. Man, I can't believe all the different people I meet here on hearthnet. And everyone seems to know more about things than Mo.