Poll: Outside Wood Heater (not a boiler, but...), Green or Obscene?

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(Assuming issues are addressed) Green or Obscene?

  • I’d buy one, but would hate to see one next door.

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Me, I'd go for the stainless steel drum option.

The cinder block base kind of puts me off.

Seriously, many's the garage or workshop with an old barrel stove keeping things warm. I give the designer credit at least for keeping the thing outside, though Corie's point about blowing the contents of the firebox into your heating ductwork in the event of a breach is something to think about.
Mo Heat said:
Corie said:
You can fill in whatever outdated, unsafe car you'd like. Point is, what have they really gained? Temporary ease of transportation, at the cost of what? Their personal safety?

Does it really make sense then, to have bought the car in the first place?

Maybe I relate to Dan because I bought a 1985 VW Rabbit 10 years ago for $1,000 to save money (only has seat belts--no air bags, no air curtains, no anti-lock brakes, no traction control, not much safety built into it by today's standards). So should I sell the VW because it's less safe than a 21st century BMW 5 series or a Lincoln Continental. Should I also sell my 20th century motorcycle that's certainly unsafe by any comparison to any auto, and completely non-essential?

Think we should give Dan a chance. He's already said he burns a hot short fire. Tell us how it burns and how much "smoke " do you get? My inside space is very small, but I could see building a nice surround for something like this, if it was a clean burner.

So Dan, give us the technical stuff.....especially, construction of the fire box.
Hello all....I am Scott Bradley a distributor of the Lil house heater. Just read thru the forum here.

I cannot understand how some of you missed the points........Yes it is a round 16 gauge drum that is 55 gallon. Yes it is simple, but it is also cheap and works well. Yes I have been selling these units for counting this year 19 years. Yes it is approved by insurance companies! No it is not built in someone garage......it is manufactured. If it was homemade it would never be able to have insurance.

It is not the super duper best stove made, however for heating up to 2400 sq ft it does a good job. No body questioned the 30 day money back guarantee either......in 19 years I have given one person there money back. I just am not asked to give people there money back... it works!

I do however take issue with anyone that would not take me as honest and creditable. If you have read over the website you would be able to tell that 1) I am honest and making money is NOT the most important thing in life 2) I believe it to be safe or why would I have one in my own home with a family? Money as we all know is not the most important thing in life.........God, life in general are much more important.

I don't claim this heater is for everyone......Many people like wood boilers and personally if I would have had 4000 dollars 20 years ago I would have bought a Hardy.

Now with that being said, let talk some about the firebox. The firebox is round and will not burn out since it is round. The heat goes around it evenly so there is no hot spots. If you put firebrick in it water will rust out the bottom. If you get a rusted out spot in your drum after some years of use you will know.....by either sticking the shovel thru the back cleaning out the ashes (in the back bottom) or before the blower kicks on you will have smoke in the heat duct. Once the blower kicks on the box is pressurized and if anything it will make the fire burn hotter and faster. It would require a major major problem on the part of an owner to not notice a rusted out spot on a 55 gallon drum.

It doesn't smoke as much as a boiler since the chimney is higher off the ground (national fire code 3 ft above the eve where the chimney goes up on the house, 2 ft from anything combustible).

It is not meant for everyone, and is not claimed to be. I have even sold one to a state fire marshal in Missouri.

It is able to be afforded by many people and saves people alot of money. It is made with the idea that you can get the parts you need to set it up easily. Ever bought something that you HAVE to go to the manufacturer for a 5 dollar item and it costs 200! Not with this.

I think that pretty well sums this up for me........I thought the website explained it all pretty clear....unfortunately some people just don't read the entire site closely. Don't forget the testimonials.......just so you know I did NOT make them up......have them on file!

By the way Wally was only 3 years old in that photo. He died last April.


  • [Hearth.com] Poll: Outside Wood Heater (not a boiler, but...), Green or Obscene?
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Although I think most of your post is directed at me, I'm not even going to touch this topic. Lets just let sleeping dogs lie.
You know just when you thought you have seen it all...
Green or obsene? Depends on your perspective. I could see this thing in the hills of West Virginia or the hills of Royalston Mass...Any way you slice it I ain't gonna knock anybody for how they heat their home, the car they drive or the house they live in. Maybe if more people seen things this way this country would be a lot better off. I doubt you will ever see one of these in someones' backyard in Concord MA though.
Think it looks "tacky"? So does a "window air conditioner" when you think about it...but how many people have them?
I'll agree with Corie to let sleeping dogs' lie.
The reply is not directed at any one person........I felt I could give my side of the story on the topic. That is all I was doing......other than the remark someone made about the video where I said I had sold them for 18 years which I have. I did take offense to that, I am honest. Everyone has there own opinions and that is what makes this a great country to live in. I really believe not everyone that posted on this has read over the website good, or some of the things ask would have already been answered.

Honesty is VERY important to me........and I always stand up when I am right.

No cat calling here, just facts was what I was wanting to get across. I hate forums where it becomes a school ground fight! Not going to happen here.

Enjoyed reading the thread. Have a good weekend.

Corie, if I was going to direct it at you I would have called you by name. I would even have asked you if you wanted to talk to me direct. I wasn't after anyone person. Just seems that if one person dislikes something others just jump on and go with it. Kinda like cattle.......if one will go thru the gate most likely they will all follow.

Scott Bradley
Scott, I admire your entrepreunership ( badly mangled SP I know) I see your product as an effective alternative to the traditional inside wood burning device. I'm sure there are many many homes that for whatever reason simply don't have a suitable interior place for a wood burner. This product seems to fill that niche. I'm a simple wood burner, no technical knowedge of stove design. That said just what is so awful about this being a basic 55 gallon drum? does that necessarily make it unsafe? I guess the worse case scenario is the firebox burns through and the business end of the stove emits gases into the house. Bad I agree, but if the house is properly equipped with smoke / CO2 detectors, emergency isolation of the stove should be effective. Additonally I know I'm intimately familiar with the firebox on my stove as I have my eyeballs in it several times a day when reloading. I think if the OWB develops an integrity issue, the operator should see signs before catastrophic failure occurs if he is performing due diligence.

Scott, don't take critiques of your product too personally. The people on this forum are a pretty savvy bunch, and I think are pointing out potential weaknesses of your product. You could take their comments onboard and apply them to possibly improving your product.
farmerscotty said:
The reply is not directed at any one person........I felt I could give my side of the story on the topic. That is all I was doing......other than the remark someone made about the video where I said I had sold them for 18 years which I have. I did take offense to that, I am honest. Everyone has there own opinions and that is what makes this a great country to live in. I really believe not everyone that posted on this has read over the website good, or some of the things ask would have already been answered.

Honesty is VERY important to me........and I always stand up when I am right.

No cat calling here, just facts was what I was wanting to get across. I hate forums where it becomes a school ground fight! Not going to happen here.

Enjoyed reading the thread. Have a good weekend.

Corie, if I was going to direct it at you I would have called you by name. I would even have asked you if you wanted to talk to me direct. I wasn't after anyone person. Just seems that if one person dislikes something others just jump on and go with it. Kinda like cattle.......if one will go thru the gate most likely they will all follow.

Scott Bradley


I just read through all the posts. Since you've been selling these for about 20 years, what's your actual experience on how long the 55 gallon drums last before customers ask you to replace them or they buy replacement drums for do-it-yourself installs?
Many people get 6,7,8,9 or even 10 years out of a drum. Had one come back last year that was 15 years old original drum. It depends alot on how you take care of it and keep the water away from the ashes since that makes lye and eats up the drum.

Check the website and read the FAQ page.....will help a bunch.

only thing I take personally is when people think I am not telling the truth.........I guess farmers are like that..... I just wanted to respond on here not upset on my end at all......I sold approx 200 of these this season.

farmerscotty said:
other than the remark someone made about the video where I said I had sold them for 18 years which I have. I did take offense to that, I am honest.

Since this was the comment that did offend you and I was the one who made it - I should clarify it. I was not questioning the fact that you had been selling them for 18 years.... I was more surprised that this unit has been around that long and is still around. Quite frankly I did read pretty much everything on the website, including the testimonials. I was not calling any of that into question.

We all know that even the newest, safest, best designed, code compliant installed wood heaters can cause disaterous results when used improperly. Even the worst made, poorly set up stoves can go a lifetime without causing any problems, if they are really monitered well. As I said before, I would not really be happy about having a neighbor of mine having one of those units heating their house, because I'd have no way of knowing whether or not they saw the shovel poking through a bad spot in the barrel and was ready to burn their house down. I believe the overall concept is probably good, but (in my opinion only) I think the design/materials are bad.

My other comments about dogs and engineering were out of line, and I do appologize for that, and I am sorry for your loss of Wally.
Thanks for the kind words. I think alot of times when we write (including myself) we don't convey what we mean to say. If we were talking in person it would be a differnt meaning. I have written emails and had people to convey it completely different than what I meant. I just got wound up when I feel someone thinks I am not honest......I see you were not meaning that I appreciate you stepping up. If we were near I would sure shake your hand and have you come over to visit. So many people in life are not honest and that bothers me. My dad taught me to stand up in the right and bow out in the wrong. That is why I replied to start with. I hope you have a good day and I don't have any bad feelings toward you, and really never did.


So we got that finished! YEA

Any questions anyone has that reads the thread......feel free to contact me about the heater......I have my cell phone number on the website. Encourage questions.

It is not for everyone and I know that. But, for many people it is something that works well and is affordable.

Have a great day!

Scott Bradley


  • [Hearth.com] Poll: Outside Wood Heater (not a boiler, but...), Green or Obscene?
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