Surprise! I'm back! (Yeah, I know necro necro)
Wanted to let all the nay sayers know I didn't burn down my greenhouse; didn't even melted plastic. Not to mention, it's probably useful to someone out there to know how it went if they are heating a greenhouse this year or in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread comes up in search engine results.
The double barrel stove worked great and now I know why they are highly recommended for greenhouses. Not sure how many BTUs it puts out but its probably in excess of 200K when it's freshly loaded. Can't stand within 2.5-3' of it. I'm finishing up moving everything back inside to beat the fall rains and to get more sunlight. Still need to dust out the flue and gather wood, will probably do that after it drops into the 80s in a few days.
One thing I did upgrade was adding a 90 degree elbow at the air intake; it's a nice bend and keeps embers from popping out. Sorry, bad picture. I would have hot coals for around eight hours. I think the longest I had something glowing inside the stove was 14-16 hours, but it depends on how much wood, type, air intake/burn rate, etc. I usually toped it off before bed. A few hot coals isn't much but any heat is good heat in a greenhouse during winter.
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It won't be fired back up until around November 15 - 30th when the first frost comes for my part of Texas. Yes yes, I know the hearth is a mess right now, it will be clean and clear before using the heater. One of the biggest things I would have done differently is use a metal wall behind the stove, it would have been much easier and safer. I need to build a second greenhouse next year because I'm out of room, so that one will likely have a metal wall, if I even need a heater in it. I may just use a tank top heater (propane) for that one.
Many thanks to everyone that helped me out with this. I'm on my way out of poverty now.