Sorry to hear all you've gone through.. We had a Rotti that developed epilepsy at the age of 5, he lived another 3 years. He had seizures where he would lose his bladder and dog paddle on his side, then finally wake up and walk around in a daze for 15-20 minutes.. He use to cycle around a full moon having about 12 episodes within a one 2 week period... We loved him and worked with him.. He would shake his head before he started. Lots of times we would jump up out of bed to throw a towel around him before he started to pee and make sure he didn't hurt himself.. So I fell your pain trying to give such could care to a dog you loved... My dog one day was sitting by a friend who was petting his head, all us sitting around an outside fire.. Next thing my dog let out a yelp and down and went... Must have had either a blood clot or heart failure from 3 years of seizures.. I immediately started CPR, I remember him taking one breath. As I looked into his eye's I could see I was losing him , giving him another breath of air between compressions.. All I could hear was everyone crying around me as I tried to bring my Rudy back.. it was his time.. He was a well loved dog and loved kids, even are vet said he was a credit to his Rottweiler breed. Hope your knew dog brings you much happiness.. Just remember, they love you with all their heart, it's up to you to become the pack leader and understand how they are seeing things. Then you have a bond!