Master of Smoke said:
Yeah, I'm confused...
NEStoveOwner was on a first name basis with GA and seems he got pampered service.
Master can please find the post where i named a person from GA by first name? I dont know anybody there. If i did state
a name it was likely the internal sales person who helped me. Again i would appreciate you pointing out where i mentioned a name.
I was wrong...I incorrectly stated you knowing sales people at GA. I apologize.
From my summary post:
"Next i stumbled upon Gleason Avery (GA)"
I cold called GA as well as MK. I dont know anyone personally in GA company and have no vested interest in GA.
All i am trying to do is help people by not spending ~130 with Englander on a inferior motor they buy for ~65.
Also, if you looked at my post carefully you would see what type of bearing the GA is.
I understand and agree w/ helping as well. I did see your posted pics w/ sealed bearing...but it's not the same as at GA web site you linked in post...hence I alluded to your ability to get what wasn't available at website.
Did you call GA yourself and not get good service? If not, why do you say i got pampered service?
No, I did not. As stated were able to get different than what is available at website.
If you were wrong id appreciate a retraction. I am not here to help GA, i am here to help stove owners.
I have no knowledge of NEStoveOwner dealings w/ Gleason-Avery other than what he has posted...I should never of indicated anything beyond what appears in relative posts.
Id really like to know how you think i have an in with them.
I was really wrong.
Waiting on your reply.
Hoping this will be sufficient...Again, I apologize.