Pellet Snob!

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

Well, you are from just Washington state, and you don't have a twelve ton stash shown in your signature, but the last line is the clincher, I think for Clinch, ...erh... where was I, hummm, oh that's right, you da' fixer. You got my vote, especially cause you asked and got directions//// erh help.
:ohh: ;-)
Hi Folks, I was reading thru this topic and laughing and thought I'd offer some additional inspiration:

A place to store your pellets and a vehicle to move them with..... chortle.


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Love the side pipes on the old Subaru (?). Wonder if your pellets are as uncomfortable on the school bus as I was growing up. Bounce bounce bounce.
lorne41 said:
Hi Folks, I was reading thru this topic and laughing and though I'd offer some additional inspiration:

A place to store your pellets and a vehicle to move them with..... chortle.

Dang I hope my neighbor doesn't see this. He'll put stacks on his and look for a plow too.
littlesmokey said:
lorne41 said:
Hi Folks, I was reading thru this topic and laughing and though I'd offer some additional inspiration:

A place to store your pellets and a vehicle to move them with..... chortle.

Dang I hope my neighbor doesn't see this. He'll put stacks on his and look for a plow too.

If he does put a a plow on he could use it to push a pallet of pellets home 'cause I don't think a Subaru is rated for 1 ton of weight! LOL
SmokeyTheBear said:
schmeg said:
Does Moose meat count?

Only if it was taken out of season and at night with a BB gun.

How about with a 1999 Saturn SC2? I took one out years ago; lucky to be typing this right now.

I'd like to join but I don't meet the criteria. My stove cost me good money, my pellets aren't low quality. my beer isn't cheap, and I don't smoke cigars... but I do eat venison.... and bison.... and moose... and rabbit, and ostrich, and .... Mmmmmm <homer simpson drool>
I have the cheap stove ,and 20 bags at a time . No booze,smoke ,or venison . Maybe add another requirement ,to let more join ?I liked the did the install my self suggestion. I would suggest,Redneck pellet club for a name .

I appreciate the intent of the new proposed club, but would suggest that the title of "Pellet Snob" is just plain WRONG. The word snob implies exactly the opposite of what you are wanting to portray.

Please check the definition of "snob" from the Internet or any dictionary. One appears below.

"snob  /snɒb/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [snob] Show IPA

–noun 1. a person who imitates, cultivates, or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others.
2. a person who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes regarding this field: a musical snob. "

I would vote for using using the "Pellet Pig Reject" name that has been suggested or, tounge in cheek, "Pellet Slob".



P.S. Yes, my wife is a former English and reading teacher and has not yet given up on knocking off my rough edges. :-)

Thanks for the LAUGH!!

If those pictures were taken in East Bangor, Maine, I am surprised that the site and the vehicle have not become the latest HOT tourist attractions.

Now I know what I shouldda done to improve the looks and performance of my wife's Ford Escort wagons. She would have been most appreciative.

lorne41 said:
Hi Folks, I was reading thru this topic and laughing and thought I'd offer some additional inspiration:

A place to store your pellets and a vehicle to move them with..... chortle.

The dual stacker needs more Bondo to go with the rust ;-) .
mainegeek said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
schmeg said:
Does Moose meat count?

Only if it was taken out of season and at night with a BB gun.

How about with a 1999 Saturn SC2? I took one out years ago; lucky to be typing this right now.

I'd like to join but I don't meet the criteria. My stove cost me good money, my pellets aren't low quality. my beer isn't cheap, and I don't smoke cigars... but I do eat venison.... and bison.... and moose... and rabbit, and ostrich, and .... Mmmmmm <homer simpson drool>

Hey that's Clincker's call not mine. All of the items in the list I provided are in keeping with the cheap, redneck, slightly other than PC nature of things as they are illegal in Maine. I do believe that a 10-55 with moose involvement is legal if messy and expensive.
Haubera said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
Bop a squirrel?! But they're so cute! Besides I haven't seen one since the temps dropped last week. LOL

Yep they are cute, just don't get one inside your house, especially a red squirrel.
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
Bop a squirrel?! But they're so cute! Besides I haven't seen one since the temps dropped last week. LOL

Yep they are cute, just don't get one inside your house, especially a red squirrel.

Yep those reds are feisty little critters. Ever notice when a red is present the greys are out of the picture. I have seen one red(1/2 the size of a greys) clear 4 grey from my back yard. They may be cousins but they don't get along very well.
the old ranger said:

Thanks for the LAUGH!!

If those pictures were taken in East Bangor, Maine, I am surprised that the site and the vehicle have not become the latest HOT tourist attractions.

Now I know what I shouldda done to improve the looks and performance of my wife's Ford Escort wagons. She would have been most appreciative.

LOL Although I've seen cars & trucks around Bangor in the past like this, I haven't seen one in a while! I thought these would be a good fit into this theme. I think one of the pipes might be for the small wood stove the car owner keeps in the back of the car held in with duct tape...
I like JTAKEMAN's idea for the inspiring name too, the Pellet Scroungers Club would be perfect. When you all decide on who is going to lead this new club, I'd like to offer a nice comfy seat suitable for the new leader...


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SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
Bop a squirrel?! But they're so cute! Besides I haven't seen one since the temps dropped last week. LOL

Yep they are cute, just don't get one inside your house, especially a red squirrel.
I'm feeling one crazy story here...
Haubera said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
Bop a squirrel?! But they're so cute! Besides I haven't seen one since the temps dropped last week. LOL

Yep they are cute, just don't get one inside your house, especially a red squirrel.
I'm feeling one crazy story here...

I'll just put it this way, a red squirrel is very destructive, they will chew just about anything in the house.
mainegeek said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
schmeg said:
Does Moose meat count?

Only if it was taken out of season and at night with a BB gun.

How about with a 1999 Saturn SC2? I took one out years ago; lucky to be typing this right now.

I'd like to join but I don't meet the criteria. My stove cost me good money, my pellets aren't low quality. my beer isn't cheap, and I don't smoke cigars... but I do eat venison.... and bison.... and moose... and rabbit, and ostrich, and .... Mmmmmm <homer simpson drool>

We can overlook a few things for someone willing to drive a Saturn, right folks????? :wow:
Regarding squirrels, both reds and grays, I'm scared of em...very scared. That why I always keep my nuts in a sack.
I was just wondering if the reason for the double stacks on the car was for an OAK and exhaust for the pellet stove he has firing the boiler under the hood of that thing. Would explain all the rust patches... or maybe those are burn patches.
Haubera said:
I was just wondering if the reason for the double stacks on the car was for an OAK and exhaust for the pellet stove he has firing the boiler under the hood of that thing. Would explain all the rust patches... or maybe those are burn patches.

My neighbor saw the car and wants to know if the stacks are off a peterbilt or a Kenworth? I told him he had to join the forum to find out and he said, he doesn't even like pellets, fed too many rabbits when he was a kid? Would that be pellet-fobia??? Lost another potential member.
Rabbit-N-Pellet Phobia heard about that it's not pretty!
littlesmokey said:
mainegeek said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
schmeg said:
Does Moose meat count?

Only if it was taken out of season and at night with a BB gun.

How about with a 1999 Saturn SC2? I took one out years ago; lucky to be typing this right now.

I'd like to join but I don't meet the criteria. My stove cost me good money, my pellets aren't low quality. my beer isn't cheap, and I don't smoke cigars... but I do eat venison.... and bison.... and moose... and rabbit, and ostrich, and .... Mmmmmm <homer simpson drool>

We can overlook a few things for someone willing to drive a Saturn, right folks????? :wow:

You drive what you can afford in college.... would I buy another one? HELL NO! But it did save mine and my wife's life--that goes for something
well.... ask Clinker nice and I am sure he'll let you in. We pay what we can, and if you can afford a great stove, so be it. Now about pellets, we aren't as picky, if you can afford them, but if you can't that's OK, too. Like you said in a round about way, you do what you have to do.

BTW, anyone keeping track of the outrageous names for the non-groop(throw back to one of the first newsgroups)?????

One more thing, you are pretty amazing, taking out a moose with a Saturn and living to tell about it. I tried with a 1954 Cadillac. There were parts for a thousand feet three scared sh#@$$less teens with wet drawers, and a very angry moose sauntering up the hillside. Had it been just a Ford, you would not be putting up with me. :-S :-S :-S
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