Pacific Energy Summit Overdraft

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You can't adjust the R.H. side, only the L.H. side by adjusting the door latch. I've never had trouble with it not sealing on the hinge side, though. I suppose if the hinge side gets sloppy, a new gasket would cure that.
After you had mentioned rivets on on earlier post, I checked ours, and it is held in with miniature carriage bolts, so they could be tightened if they were loose.
It looks like in the older models , like mine they used rivets my Summit is an older model: 1998.

As for my T6 I can see two little bolts holding the EBT in place.
10-cc said:
It looks like in the older models , like mine they used rivets my Summit is an older model: 1998.

As for my T6 I can see two little bolts holding the EBT in place.

You have a Summit AND a T-6? Now I'm jealous!.....:lol:

Mt first Summit was an '03, now I have an '08(stove body replaced under warranty). Both have bolted-on EBT's.
There is a couple of differences between the newer & older stoves.
The newer one has a Cast-iron ash lip with markings "START","H", and "L", while the old one was a tin lip with just H and L on it.
The old firebox had 1/2" NC holes for the pedestal bolts, and the new box has 3/8" studs sticking out of it, so you have to use nuts & washers rather than bolts to attach the pedestal.
The T6 replaced the Summit in my main res. as the Summit was downgraded to the country house replacing the VC..
Honestly I prefer the Summit overall.
- Ease of use
- Less of a mess for hashes falling into the door frame as in the T6
- Great hash pan size for my pedestrian model, just pool it and shovel hashes or sweep into it.
(no need of a separate hash container as for the T6 ridicules size)

- Better looking ;-)
- Even though they say the firebox is the same as the summit, it seem to me more room in it compares to the summit
- Holds more heat for longer time.
- Big mess due to hashes. Hashes cannot be easily be cleaned from the lip. Cast Iron attracts hashes like a magnet.

As for efficiency I cannot tell major differences.

10CC, Jimbob has it right.
To adjust the Summit door, you merely bent the latch as needed to tighten or loosen.
I have never had a problem with it being too loose on the hinge side, mine needed adjustment due to it being loose on the latch side.
Thanks Hog,

I will have to do the $ bill check again and see,,

if I could get Hash out of my stove...
karri0n said:
if I could get Hash out of my stove...

Careful, it could end up being a gas (producing) stove.. :coolsmirk:


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