I sold my smaller stove, thought it was going to be a lawn ornament. But the guy I sold it to has been burning wood for 30 years. They basically only heat with wood. My stove was about 1.2 cubic ft. box. He said it would be perfect for overnight burns and not overheat the house. I said how you gonna get good overnight burns with that small box. He said I get a nice fire going and then I load it with green wood. First thing that came to my mind was do you check your chimney and if so how does it look inside. He said he cleans it twice a year and it's usually not bad. He's been doing this since day one and only had one chimney fire, that was very small, with no damage. I kind of shook my head and said OOh. He certainly isn't going to listen to me, but I don't recommend this practice. But maybe next time he will not be so lucky. One other thing that was interesting he was on the voluntary fire department for 25 years. Would of though he saw enough stove fires, but maybe that thing only happens to other people.