You need to have heat loss study done before you do anything
as that is where the rubber meets the road
Just remember once you buy that forest eater your stuck with it getting up at 3 in the morning
in snow storms and high winds feeding it. You ought to look at youtube and type outdoor
wood boilers in the search box.
Leave your wallet and check book home, be prepared for a blanket estimate with no
parts detail or parts count.
Mine was for almost 8 thousand dollars. Been there done that, tore it
up and shredded it. I can install a boiler myself for much less money using simple tools.
When you recieve estimates for installations that are more expensive than the cost of
the boiler alone you know that your not the one getting rich
Even using a small pellet stoker boiler with a gravity twp pipe heating system using
simple radiators will cost you much less money than the forest eater and radiant heat
and you will save a lot of money as New York State has rebate program for 47 percent of the
installation cost for a pellet stoker AND you can still install a simple hot water gravity
heating loop with no pumps for much less money leaving the pellet stoker in the basement.
Just as an example did you know that you can heat your home with 2 pounds of steam pressure,
They do the same thing to heat the Empire State building every winter in one example.
The pellet stokers cost much more than a coal stoker though and you cannot equal
the heat value of rice coal in a pound per pound basis but with the rebate you will save some money,
not a lot over 30 years compared to a coal stoker but you will save money.
Its your money and over time the banks money and they like to lend money now but
you need to have a heat loss study done as there is money available for home energy