Firewalker go on and push that bad boy all the way man.I still say that in line pipe damper will give you even more heat and longer heat.Those temperatures would propel me to max that joker to it's limit.Don't chicken out get it done.FireWalker said:We are having the coldest morning of the season right now (-10). My furnace was running from 3am on and the stove was crusing at 300. I went back to sleep but couldn't take it anymore by 5 so I got up and stoked the stove and went back to sleep for an hour. When I got up it was 70 in my main space and mid 60s in the back where my thermostat is, I kicked the stove up to high and let it go hotter than I ever had. The new stove smell happened again and I closed to half reading 450 on the pipe. After 45 min I was up to 75 and the air was getting to the back thus keeping the oil monster at bay. I've been waiting for this morning to test this stove. It just can't heat my whole house to 70 but it can if pushed a little make a whole lot of heat. I have yet to let it run a full load at more than 1/2 throttle as my main space gets too hot, and I start to chicken out running near max temps.
I'm now at work in Glens Falls, temp outside -18. It's so cold the closer on my office door (alum. & glass) won't work and the door slams shut shaking the whole building and I expect the glass to break any time now.