Oil boiler - brand recommendations

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Do they still Make the New yorker? Its got a wet leg in the base that eliminates the use of those refractory pots that fall apart over time.
I'm pretty sure I have an old style spin on filter..I have 2 of them, since it is a twin tank system.

Since I bought them as a set from SupplyHouse, the burner comes setup just for the boiler. It is even painted blue to match.

Thanks for the tips.
With my boiler it can be set up for two output levels. Different nozzles and air settings and pressure are used in my case.
Some finished pics. Boiler installed. 3 new zone valves, new venting..all misc fittings replaced. Runs like a dream!!

Delivered to my door and install ran about $4,300. I pulled the old one out on my own.


  • [Hearth.com] Oil boiler - brand recommendations
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Some finished pics. Boiler installed. 3 new zone valves, new venting..all misc fittings replaced. Runs like a dream!!

Delivered to my door and install ran about $4,300. I pulled the old one out on my own.
How would you describe the noise level? That has always been my complaint with my oil boiler-sounds like a jet engine running up in my basement!
Looks great, you install it yourself?
My peerless and riello i hear 2 floors up!
Changing the nozzle can help the noise... Hollow cone, wider angle, next smaller size.

Im actually dropping down from a riello f3 to f5. Its way oversized the way its running now. My wbv-3 has 3 settings and the lowest needs the f3. Now i just need to find someone that will use a combustion analyzer to adjust it, alot say its not needed.
I didn't have to mess with the nozzles at all because I bought the Riello kit direct from Supply House fpr the Buderus.

I had someone install it. The next time I have a job like this, I'll do it myself.
Riellos are good burners - had one for 17 years, never missed a beat.

I think every oil boiler/burner I have heard made about the same noise though - but I certainly haven't heard them all.
Unless the technology has changed, there was new style burner introduced 25 years ago called a retention head burner http://www.airheaters.info/oil-burner/flame-retention-head-burners.html. It increased the efficiency of an oil boiler substantially unfortunately at a cost which was noise. I have my boiler under my basement stairs and ended up enclosing two sides I could get to with doors and panels with fiberglass on the backside held in by hardware cloth facing inside where the boiler is. Its not air tight but it does make quite a difference as once the sound gets in the basement it bounces around and comes right up through the floor. It quite cramped under the stairs so I haven't done this above the boiler under the stringers but expect that would help even further as I expect the fireproof sheetrock acts like a drum to reradiate some of the noise.
In the small amount of research I have done, the Burnhams have come up frequently and with positive reviews.

Any input on Weil Mclain? I have not done the heat calc, but will. This is a 75kbtu unit. Price is nice.
With WM you pay a steep price for their marketing; they are also excessively noisy. I see that you have pulled the trigger but FWIW, especially given your location, a Utica Boiler (locally made and in stock at most local plumbing supply houses) is one the best I've found, and also reasonably priced.
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