RNLA said:I love to hear and read the pine evils. I run a tree service in Washington and out here on the west coast pine is not the most desired wood but is certainly an accepted species. When properly seasoned it burns hot easily. On the list also is another conifer called Douglas Fir, this stuff is somewhere around 26 million BTU's per cord. So my point is "soft wood" is kind of a relative thing. You burn what you got, if well seasoned. I just removed a Douglas Fir yesterday in my neighbor's back yard 3ft. at chest height, 90-100ft. tall this should yield about 1.5-2.0 cord when c/s/s... :coolsmile:
Nice! I'm nearing the end of my Doug. I'm going to miss it. It's a near perfect firewood. Easy splitting (if it's tight grained...), easy to light, burns long and hot, very little ash. In contrast, Big Leaf Maple burns much faster and leaves a ton of ash. Next year will be mostly pine.