Noticed a small leak, which soon stopped, but paranoid about it suddenly becoming large (and ending up with mud all over my nice crawlspace vapor barrier). Here's a pic ...
As you can see, it's right by the well pressure tank. That corrosion seems very odd. Is it possible the plumber used a galvanized nipple there (instead of a brass one) ? If so, is it likely to fail catastrophically ? The installation is as old as the house (35 years), except for the brass tee you can see I added awhile back. The well pressure tank seems fine - definitely not short-cycling. The well water is extremely clean and non-corrosive, generally.
As you can see, it's right by the well pressure tank. That corrosion seems very odd. Is it possible the plumber used a galvanized nipple there (instead of a brass one) ? If so, is it likely to fail catastrophically ? The installation is as old as the house (35 years), except for the brass tee you can see I added awhile back. The well pressure tank seems fine - definitely not short-cycling. The well water is extremely clean and non-corrosive, generally.