Webmaster said:
If one thinks we are at the "end of days" (the current Prez has this view, among many others), then it is a perfect excuse NOT to be responsible. After all, why save any resources or purity for a future that will not exist?
However, I take the longer view - since we have been around in one form or another for at least 50,000 years, I would guess that 10,000 more is not a problem. That being the case, for our purposes it would seem prudent to plan for "forever" as opposed to putting a time frame on the future.
On a more technical basis, when it comes to radiation, virtually ANY increase over background causes increases in cancer deaths. The larger the increase of total radiation (airline flights, dental x-rays, medical treatments, etc.), the larger your chance of getting cancer - and worse yet, the larger your chances of passing birth defects on to the first and second generation afterwards. Not good.
But the questions still comes down to a simple one - can the power be produced for a reasonable price when plant construction, insurance, operation and disposal/decommissioning is taken into account? Remember, France and Japan have no oil, very little coal, not a lot of Hydro and all the other good stuff we have here. They don't have anywhere near the solar potential either. So what is good in France is not always right here.
Well like I said before Web..."Civilization peaked with the 8-track".
All the debate, all the hype, all the media put out is worthless so far. I'm not into conspiracy theories, or into 'causes' or remotely thinking of becoming a "cheerleader" for any particular case,casuse, or movement.
But there is NO WAY i'm going to "entertain" all the BS the "big $$$ powers that be" spoon feed people everyday! 99% of Americans walk around "half asleep" and don't look at the "bigger picture" you or I might at least "think about".
Al Gore is wasting his time...IMHO he needs to make a movie along the story line of the "Terminator Trilogy":
Perhaps you or I as a "grey Haired old man" talking to a five year old grandson on a mountain top "We had the world by the short hairs...At one time this country had factories that actually made things HERE and sold them here and to other parts of the world...There was a time when other nations wanted to be just like the USA...then 50 years of greed brought it all down....that's why you can't drink the water, breathe the air or even feel good about tommorow...thats why you go for medical treatment every month and swallow fistfulls of pills...."
GE??? Ecomagination??? BS

Plain and simple...they can put all the spin on it they want...Their track record is no better than Dow Chemical, Union Carbide...or EXXON MOBIL's or any of the other countless big time corporations...just be honest!
"We don't give a rat's ^ss about you, the enviroment or anything else except our bottom line profit margin!..."
Until our so called "Elected officials... of the people... for the people" realize that the hands that feed them have effectively destroyed this country and that the good ole' USA...for over 50 years... We as a nation don't "Stand a chance in hell".
Do you honestly think any other nation on earth looks to the USA as an example of a "Perfect world"???
Maybe it's time for this country to stand back and "take a good hard look at itself".
What has the economy of this nation become? (honestly)?? We have gone from a "land of prosperity" to one of "desparity".
I would rather see a coal plant and steel factory on every street corner...than a nuke plant and a Taco Bell.