Thats very clean for 70 inchs. My back killing me on a baby 50incher! (I Never seen any hardwood yet over 55) Get a tape on it.......
I didn't just pull the 70" number out of...thin air, Jay. I thought you were from IN, the Hoosier State not MO, the Show Me State.

OK, I know, pics or it's not a reality, only a possibility.

I went over there this AM and got these pics. I also did a ring count...100 give or take. Look at the spacing...pretty wide rings. I'm tellin' ya, this thing must have been fertilized by the hog-poop runoff from the fields above! The guy across the street told me that the faller was running a big Husky with a 48" bar, and was hitting a bunch of that metal in there.
for the most part it looks pretty healthy. Why did they take it down. I hate to see a grand old tree brought down for no reason. i have a large oak that is at least that in the front yard. i love that tree and the other smaller oaks it has spawned.
As I said, you can see the bark starting to fail a bit on one side. The county guys said that the guy across the street had been wanting the tree taken down for years, worried that it might fall on his house. I don't really think there was much chance of that and I think the tree could have lasted quite a while before it became unstable. The tree was leaning away from the house, and there is a 30+ foot ridge shielding the lower section of the tree from the heavy weather, which usually comes from that direction. The top of the ridge is also covered with trees which I think would have further protected the giant. That tree shaded that guy's house until noon. Now the sun will be beating on him all day long. Just the sheer presence of that big tree was comforting to me every time I went past it. But I guess a freak micro-burst or something could have sent the tree toward his house, and I think Pins have a shallow root system. Nevertheless, if it was me, I think I would have taken my chances. That tree was a thing of majestic beauty.
I also stopped and talked to a guy I know who lives up the road from the giant Pin. I saw a BIG White Oak trunk there with all the easy pickin's taken already, but it looks like I could get more with the 460. Might be time to get the 32" bar and skip chain that you suggested,Jay...

He's also got a Sugar, a Cherry and a bunch of other stuff lying around out there that has been cut recently. He told me he's paid out $9000 over the last couple of years to tree services!

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Soooo, after taking a break Sunday and letting another neighbor on the road have at it(and letting my body recover,) I went back yesterday. In talking to him, I was able to inform him of the slow-drying nature of Oak. Spreadin' the dry-wood gospel...

I swung by there early yesterday morning and saw the neighbor had gotten quite a bit of wood, but the big stuff I said I would work on was still there. This neighbor told me he had called the county garage and they told him they wouldn't be back until today at the earliest. Apparently they had a change of plans. !!
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I cut off a couple of big 16"-long rounds from that stub on top of the trunk. Not wanting it to be a wasted trip, I went to plan B.
When I talked to the owner about getting the wood, I mentioned that I had seen a couple other smaller down trees nearby...he told me to have at 'em. There was a BL about 50' up the hill from the car, so I hacked my way through the brush and dragged the wheelbarrow up there. I didn't get a full load so I went another 75' up the hill and, sure enough, found another sizeable broken-off BL branch. Man, I worked harder for these two total loads than I do for most. You guys would have been proud of me...or maybe you would have been pointing and laughing.

I saw a little broke-off tree up there, no more than 1.5" in diameter, yet the bark was thick and blocky. I thought maybe some type of Oak but I don't see an exact match in the book.Maybe the leaf shape was distorted as a result of it being in a lot of brush, and trying to capture more light. Any ideas on the ID??
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Here's the BL load. All the bark fell off or was easily pulled off, which was nice.
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Also found some "yaller trash wood"...not sure the ID but it doesn't seem particularly heavy. Ideas??
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Here's the total load including the salvaged Pin and yaller wood...
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Total Pin haul, a bit shy of two pallets (Shingle Oak from our drive is on the single pallet.) I was thirsty after bucking, loading, hauling and stacking. BL is still on the trailer...I'm tired today. Come to think of it, I'm thirsty too.

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