For a novel I'm working on, one of the plot lines involves two teenage brothers (AMISH brothers) having to chop enough wood to keep their family warm during a cold Pennsylvania winter. The firewood will be needed to heat their small home, warm their bath water, cook, etc. Their father has an injured back, so when in August or September he realizes he won't be able to cut firewood that year, he sends his sons out into the woods to fell trees, chunk and split them, then haul everything back home (with horse team).
Could you please provide guesstimates on how many cords of wood a family (father, mother, 3 girls, 2 boys) would likely need to get through a cold winter in Pennsylvania (with a surplus of wood left over, if needed) and how long it would take two boys in good shape (ages 14 and 15), using nothing but axes, wedges, and two-man saws, to cut and stack that wood? Let's say the trees are oak, ash, and maple, but feel free to substitute other species.
Ah, you're thinking about seasoning the firewood, which takes time. This is a work of fiction. It needs to be realistic, but the father doesn't have time for ideal seasoning of the wood. Would three months be minimally acceptable for seasoning the firewood? Again, this family doesn't have more time than that.
I guesstimated the family would need 20 cords of firewood to get through a hard winter (with extra firewood left over) -- and that it would take the two boys about five weeks to go from tree to stacked pile. Shows what I don't know, gentlemen!
Please throw in any technical terms or slang I should use to make this story read more accurately. I don't have a working title for the book yet.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Could you please provide guesstimates on how many cords of wood a family (father, mother, 3 girls, 2 boys) would likely need to get through a cold winter in Pennsylvania (with a surplus of wood left over, if needed) and how long it would take two boys in good shape (ages 14 and 15), using nothing but axes, wedges, and two-man saws, to cut and stack that wood? Let's say the trees are oak, ash, and maple, but feel free to substitute other species.
Ah, you're thinking about seasoning the firewood, which takes time. This is a work of fiction. It needs to be realistic, but the father doesn't have time for ideal seasoning of the wood. Would three months be minimally acceptable for seasoning the firewood? Again, this family doesn't have more time than that.
I guesstimated the family would need 20 cords of firewood to get through a hard winter (with extra firewood left over) -- and that it would take the two boys about five weeks to go from tree to stacked pile. Shows what I don't know, gentlemen!

Please throw in any technical terms or slang I should use to make this story read more accurately. I don't have a working title for the book yet.
Thank you in advance for your help!