nothing but problems with a hearthstone heritage

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    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

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here is another picture from outside.


  • [] nothing but problems with a hearthstone heritage
    woodstove 004.webp
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you are right its not Hearthstones fault about the chimney. That was done by the dealer, and not very well. It is totally messed up.
But fixing the draft will only mask the other problems with the stove. The draft does need to be delt with.
The stove is messed up though. Whether or not the stove problems were caused from the dealer, manufacturer, or in shipping, I dont know.
But no one wants to fess up.
does anyone know if there is a serial number stamped on the stove, other than the tag in the back?
I seen some numbers stamped on the inside, opposit of the side door.
I recall there being a certificate that was in an envelope with the owner's manual (a must read), may have had serial number on it. Not positive though. How tall is your venting system overall?
Holy moly. I'm not one to condemn a fellow brick and mortar retailer but from stove to chimney cap you got hosed. Like someone else suggested in another thread, Video the stove in action and Youtube it. The dealer should be ashamed, the chimney redone with proper height and bracing, and attic insulation shield and god(sorry muslims) knows what else they missed. Also, I would demand a new stove NOW before the shop gets any busier. That is a disgrace to our industry
Franks said:
Holy moly. I'm not one to condemn a fellow brick and mortar retailer but from stove to chimney cap you got hosed. Like someone else suggested in another thread, Video the stove in action and Youtube it. The dealer should be ashamed, the chimney redone with proper height and bracing, and attic insulation shield and god(sorry muslims) knows what else they missed. Also, I would demand a new stove NOW before the shop gets any busier. That is a disgrace to our industry

Very well said. Agree entirely.

(PS Muslims actually believe in God. So do Jews, just in case that was also unclear.)
The baby's asleep in the room now. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get it.
Okay I scanned the certificate and the Hearthstone Quality Assurance Inspection Checklist. There was also the owner's manual and warranty registration but I didn't scan those. My stove was made in early 2006.


  • [] nothing but problems with a hearthstone heritage
    Tribute Certificate.webp
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  • [] nothing but problems with a hearthstone heritage
    Hearthstone QA Form.webp
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Funny to read the checklist.

Things like bolts to pallet, cracks, leak test, etc. that are exactly what this thread is all about.
I've learned quite a bit in reading this discussion. Fairly convinced me of a few things in my own situation.
They must have used a roof support. But they still should have framed the opening. And by now I'm sure you realize your missing the attic insulation shield, which, according to selkirk, is extremely important.

Did you already post pics of the interior of the ceiling?
This is what has been going on with my stove. Installers came back out yesterday and installed a new door handle and the heat shield.
They took some pictures of the stove with thier phone. I told them that the chimney might be to short, that should be 8and a half feet tall(104'')
They said it should be tall enough. They said it is over ten feet away from the roof , and it should be good. they said it is 5ft tall. I also asked why the chimney stove pipe going through the chimney is not framed out in the attic. They said only the square mount gets framed out not the round one.
I also asked why the roof flashing was not flashed. They told me it was under the shingles, they said the top half of the flashing is about 10 inches longer, so ten inches of flashing is actually under the shingles. I will get up on the roof this weekend and check. As for the attic, well thats just crazy.
I called the dealer while the installer were still at the house. I asked the dealer about the frameing in the attic, and a heat shield, and a insulation shield. He said he would look into it. I let him know I would be calling the inspectors out to look at it.
What are they saying about the stove itself: the leaking seams, and the braided rope gasket that indicates the stove was damaged and rebuilt?
I talked to the dealer again this morning, he said he talked with hearthstone and they are going to send some cement out to try and they will try and seal the stove. and put a different chimney cap on. And if that doesent work they will send out a new stove. Will see what happens, I have lost faith in these guys.
I dont believe a word the dealer says. I dont think they know what they are doing.
something has to be framed either the ceiling support or a roof support. Of course I just going be the directions on the selkirk website. Maybe there's another way, but that doesn't seem right. I would still get an inspector even if it was the fire dept. I'm sure they will come out for short change. probably even for free.
new burner said:
I talked to the dealer again this morning, he said he talked with hearthstone and they are going to send some cement out to try and they will try and seal the stove. and put a different chimney cap on. And if that doesent work they will send out a new stove. Will see what happens, I have lost faith in these guys.
I dont believe a word the dealer says. I dont think they know what they are doing.

Jeebus...cement? Tell them you want to job redone 100% right with a new stove or you will DEMAND 100% refund, them to remove their work and the house brought back to it's original condition. Do the You Tube video thing...publicity may be the only thing they listen to
Unfortunetly we in the building material industry often see similar stuff happen. Anyone can sell a product, it's not until there is an issue, that you will test the salt of the dealer / retailer that you are doing business with. Publicity can do a couple of things. It will either cause them to be re-energized to fix the issue, or it will prevent another unsuspecting customer from having an issue that doesn't get fixed.

Hope all turns out well.
They dont seem to be taking it to seriuslly. I have been dealing with the owner of the store. He is the one that sold me the stove. I told him it seems as if someone tried to rebuild it. I wish he would come out and look at it. But I dont think they know what they are doing. I do have one more question for everyone though.
The air wash system for the glass, my best guess would be that is the space in the front of the door, is that suppose to be be an open airway, or is it suppose to be sealed? On mine when I put my hand ontop of it, It is caulked, sealed shut. Is that how yours is?
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