I was very fortunate that my BIL & FIL came over to split 3 cord of rounds I had in a heap on my driveway 2 years ago when I was out of commission with a broken leg/ankle. My "adopted father" and his son also trucked in another 1.5 cord plus scrounged the wood the utility was cutting off the power lines that day. I remember being outside on crutches in 4 degree weather talking to the arborist that came to take down 3 oaks that were a threat to the house.
+1 on letting it heal. I'm pretty much back to normal on that leg/ankle now with no regular pain. Just a twinge when the weather is just right.
+1 on letting it heal. I'm pretty much back to normal on that leg/ankle now with no regular pain. Just a twinge when the weather is just right.