Battenkiller said:Flatbedford said:Wow! That sucks! Car fires are hot and nasty. Good thing you saved the saw. Do you have comp coverage on the truck?
Thanks for the condolences guys... and the jokes, they really help.
Ya, they burn really hot and nasty. I've seen them on fire and seen the results later, but I never saw one start and saw how fast they can engulf the vehicle. Check out the pics after maybe a 10-minute burn:
The hood is just vaporized, and check out the stress fractures in the metal from when the water hit it. Wish I had the presence of mind to shoot a video with my phone, but I just stood there gawking, hugging my saw.
Comp insurance? Yup... only I doubt they'll give me much, certainly not enough to pay for a replacement. We've been there with an older vehicle that got creamed before. By the time they deduct all the rust and everything, figure in the mileage (170K), it'll probably be, "OK. The truck had a value of $257 before the fire.... $200 deductible... here's your check for $57."
At least I got OK with the saw intact. Funny thing, I was planning on taking all my saws apart, cleaning them well, and storing them in the truck box for the big move. The fire stayed confined to the engine compartment, but I wouldn't have known that ahead of time. Probably would have asphyxiated myself trying to save all seven of them.
Worst case scenareio was this happening while the throttle was still sticking, going up the Northway at 75 MPH, thing catches fire, hit the brakes against that racing motor, brakes fade, and I'll cooking myself at highway speed, unable to get out. :ahhh:
Bet that would make the front page.
I'll tell you, too... that smoke was pretty bad. Caught one good lungful of the stuff while I was rescuing the saw. If I didn't have quite enough respect for what firefighters go through, I sure do now. Had a headache all night long from it. Those guys, who knows what they might accidentally breathe in? And for the record, the FD guys were kind and helpful, but the cop on the scene was a major dickwad, as if I torched the thing on purpose. No sooner were the flames out and the guy starts yelling at me to get the thing out of there. Didn't even want to wait for me to make an insurance call.
Had you taken the thing in to see if the 'cruise control circuit setting the brake fluid on fire in the master cylinder' recall work needed to be done?
There is info here:
Suing Ford over these sort of incidents is a cottage industry for certain law firms...
For what it's worth, it looks like the hood melted in the vicinity of where the brake fluid reservoir is located.