Being a total data nerd - as I was going through the EPA database, it was driving me nuts that some stoves are measured using cribwood, some using cordwood. So I set out to put together a spreadsheet to normalize the data. Here is a link to the google sheet I put together - you have to copy it to be able to change any of the inputs, but would love your feedback:
As far as methodology, here's what I did:
I'm sure this is not a perfect method, which is why I'd love to get folks feedback/input. What I did find interesting is that at 16K BTU target output (roughly what we'd estimate our need would be based on some heat load calculations I've put together based on some floor plans that I've been looking at), the following are the top 3 (in order):
As far as methodology, here's what I did:
- According to the EPA methdology:
- Cord Wood is measured by using 12 lbs of wood per cubic foot of firebox volume.
- Crib Wood is measured by using 7 lbs of wood per cubit foot of firebox volume.
- While cord wood is no longer a valid measuring method, lots of stoves still have that data in it. Cord wood was tested at multiple levels of moisture, which makes comparison difficult and I suspect is why crib wood methodology is preferred for the measurement process going forward.
- I looked at a few different ovens that explicitly showed both cord and crib wood numbers to look at total heat output on low and high levels to come up with a "crib to cord" multiplier... the number I came up with was 1.29.
- EPA uses 6800 btu per lb of wood (both cord and crib) in their calculations
I'm sure this is not a perfect method, which is why I'd love to get folks feedback/input. What I did find interesting is that at 16K BTU target output (roughly what we'd estimate our need would be based on some heat load calculations I've put together based on some floor plans that I've been looking at), the following are the top 3 (in order):
- Blaze King KE40, which comes out to 18.8 target burn time
- Regency F5200 - 18.03
- 44 Elite NextGen-Hybrid - 17.35
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