No more Vermont Castings or Flexburn- need recommendations

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New Member
Jan 17, 2023
I have a 2 year old Dauntless Flexburn that had an internal weld fail at a critical part of the winter. This stove was how I have heated my home and it is unable to be repaired till spring due to replacement parts availability/ ship date. Customer service is non-existant, and my local shop is awaiting parts.

I need recommendations for a replacement unit from another manufacturer. I need reliable operation- what do you think?
I have a 2 year old Dauntless Flexburn that had an internal weld fail at a critical part of the winter. This stove was how I have heated my home and it is unable to be repaired till spring due to replacement parts availability/ ship date. Customer service is non-existant, and my local shop is awaiting parts.

I need recommendations for a replacement unit from another manufacturer. I need reliable operation- what do you think?
Just about anything else on the market will be far more reliable. Look ar Pacific Energy lopi Regency Blaze king etc
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Ill take a look. I hope my experience is a cautionary tale for anyone considering Vermont Castings Products. It has really turned out to be a poor choice.
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