It can be a real drag to find an honest seller. A cord of wood CANNOT be delivered in a pickup truck - The End. 1/2 at best. And these guys probably just cut it and need to move it. It'd take a big operation to store wood under cover.
I'm not sure I recall a posting where someone got their first cord delivered and it was actually a cord.
If you have to keep buying, make a storage area that holds a cord, include a stacking fee in the delivery price, and agree to pay on the dimensions delivered.
If it doesn't look like somebody dumped a Volkswagen in your driveway, you didn't get a cord. "Measuring cords by pieces"... Puh-Leazzz!! Too many sellers will say anything to close a deal and be on their way.
Haha this makes me feel better, at least we're not alone! I was so determined we wouldn't be "taken", we had our moisture meter ready and figured how much room in the yard the cord would take...Haha at least it was a very nice kid who was clearly not trying to scam us, just doesn't really know what he's doing either yet I think

Now the "gold standard" seller in the area I am much more disappointed in, while I'm sure the huge truck they brought in had a full cord in it, it was wetter than our first delivery, very disappointing especially as they said a lot of their clients are wood stove burners.