Sorry your cost for ng is off base unless you are referring to a complete line from the meter. Generally one can just extend a line to the area needed. Ng dryer does not need a 1.5" or 2" line, 3/4 max most are only 1/2", likely if you have a newer ng furance it is only 1/2' line as well. My cook top, Dryer, furnace, and hot water heater are all1/2" lines. Cost too much to change out the oven from electric to gas but seldom use it anyway.the one thing that gas dryers have on electric is they are faster on dry time than the electric. if all the laundry gets done on the weekend then speed is a must. new electric line for a dryer in a basement about 300 to 350. a new gas line for a dryer in a basement is 600 to 1000. depends on the plumber and the length of run.
NG dryer is quite a bit less cost to operate in my area given the electric rates at this time. Fifty years ago that was the reverse.