longlivethejeep said:DexterDay- I was a little confused by your comment about a lot of knowledgeable members being women, until I noticed I replied "yes, sir." I do apologize if anyone was offended. Men, women, doesn't matter to me so long as I keep getting all the great advice I've been getting! I caught the reference to the woman with 3 stoves being extremely knowledgeable! Seems to me she really knows her stuff!
Was not anything you said. I made a statement about the "People" on this Forum and thought that I should remind you. I found out through reading past posts before I even became a memeber. I have read A LOT of the past Threads. A LOT of them. Man or Woman. Does not matter. Heck... I bet there are a couple Women on here that are more mechaniclly inclined Than A LOT of Men on here. Just letting you know. So in the Busy "Winter" season, you dont come across with the "Guys" or "Fella's". I dont think they would be offeneded. But respect is #1. Thats with anyone. I respect you for wanting to do something about your high heating bill. Good for you. You will be surprised at what money you will save. I am just shy of saving $3,000 ayr on LP (Propane). With the help of the woodstove this winter. I hope to cut that number in half and heat my basement to the same 76* as the upstairs, while taking some of the work off of the pellet stove. Avg is 4 ton a yr. If I can get it down to just 3 ton or even 2.5. That would be fantastic.
Here is a pic of the Woodpiles. Unrelated...